Month: April 2013

  • End-to-end setting up TomEE on a linux server

    In this post I describe an end-to-end setup for TomEE+ and my application on a vanilla linux (Debian) server. This is just one of the many possible configurations. Be advised that changes done to system(s) or configuration(s) might be useful in some cases while in other cases not. Although I have put an effort in…

  • maven-ear-plugin and application.xml

    If you are building a modern JavaEE 6 application you might need to package it in EAR. Supposingly, specification says if your EAR contains META-INF/application.xml file, you must provide configuration of modules so that the application server knows what to load. Now, specification also supposingly says that, if you want your application server to AUTO…

  • Quirks and twists of testing CODI @Bundle with OpenEJB ApplicationComposer

    Using JavaEE means also testing JavaEE with all the implications! I personally use an ApplicationComposer from OpenEJB when writing unit tests not requiring all containers (as in web, cdi, ejb, …) up and running but just enough to have injection and deploy ejbs. I am not happy with ApplicationComposer because I think it has number…